Sunday, August 14, 2016

Black Milwaukee elected officials issues warning-- Stop making the blac...

21 Questions One White Guy Has for Black People Response

This Week in Stupid (14/08/2016)

Black man kills white mom and black boyfriend -- crazy and complicated

Milwaukee, Wisconsin Police Shooting and Riots | True News

Five favorite moments from the black race riot in Milwaukee

#BlackLivesMatter Rioting In Milwaukee Rant

Wash Rinse Repeat Repeat Repeat


Good old fashioned race riot in Milwaukee -- large scale black mob vio...

Timothy Batts Kills Daughter, Gets Bail Cut In Half, Dindu's Cheer

Imam shot dead in New York ! Ex Muslim Speaks !

Head of Black Lives Matter in Atlanta busted for impersonating a cop

Why dad is needed in the home

Friday, August 12, 2016

Black shoplifting mob strikes Victoria's Secret -- leave child behind

College Student's Letter from Inside Belly of the Beast

Why Black Crime Matters | Colin Flaherty and Stefan Molyneux

The new crazy -- why black people kill white people -- Jawari Porter

Separating Ideas From People Is An Impossibility

Dave Rubin and Blaire White: Transgender Debate, Islam, Black Lives Matt...

Why I can't support Black lives matter

Great Britain Grants Asylum to the Muslim Brotherhood (David Wood)

Black on white violence and murder --BLM deflects constantly

Black Lives Matter leader arrested for beating his girlfriend -- and o...

Saturday, August 6, 2016

One-Minute Update: Machete Attack in Belgium (David Wood)

Does Hillary Clinton have Autism?

Why I Left the 'Black Lives Matter' Movement

MTV Discourages Color Blindness

Michael Brown Memorial Weekend in Ferguson -- Holiday event schedule

The Dark Side Of Social Justice

Islam & ISIS - Suicide attacks

Islam & ISIS - Offensive Jihad

Islam & ISIS - Killing innocent civilians

Islam & ISIS - Terrorism & Extremism

Friday, August 5, 2016

Protesting on Campus - Free Speech on Campus Ep. 3 - Learn Liberty

Debunking the Black Lives Matter Narrative - Understanding Proportionali...

Why I criticise Islam

Black on white murders and black on white rape against old women in Mich...

The Truth About Islam Full Length Documentary

Social Justice Dystopia: Guilty Until Proven Innocent

Black crime and violence strikes St Petersburg old people and car deale...

Tragic Mulatto Korryn Gains Murdered By Police After Being A Piece Of Cr...

Teen Girl Murdered While Hanging Out With Grown Men At 1230am In A Drive By

Black person shoots at cops -- Mom says Black Lives Matter made him do it